The division of kependidikan Islam is one of divisions under Tarbiyah Departement which urgently needs development. The development leads to streghent the derection and goal of the program studi [p…
Kepala Sekolah tangguh adalah kepala sekolah yang memiliki : 1)visi, misi, strategi; 2)kemampuan mengkoordinasikan dan menyerasikan sumber daya dengan tujuan; 3)kemampuan mengambil keputusan secara…
The purpose of this study is to find the professional aspects in conducting a teaching of Akta IV program at STAIN Tulungagung. The type of the study is evaluation study by using a blak box model a…
Teacher has a central role in education process. It was is that education is nothing without qualified teacher. In this context, teaching training institution has an important task of preparing qua…