During this time, pawnshop is one of a financial solution for the people who have financial problems in general, so as to the people in Lombok. However, there is a question about one of the form of…
In 2003 Indonesia officially launched Sharia stock exchange. Since then it has been becoming an alternative for Islam people to invest in shares and others product. However, the unclear recognition…
This article discusses about a political shari’ah’s view on the implementation of the village’s head election in Daleman-Kedungdung-Sampang. The results of the research conclude that the mech…
The authority in making the Regional Regulation (Perda) is a tangible manifestation of the application of the widely autonomy owned by a certain region. As a country that adheres to the principle o…
Riddah dalam literatur fiqih klasik dikategorikan sebagai jarimah hudud, dan diancam dengan hukuman mati. Persoalan yang mendasar adalah ancaman hukuman mati tersebut hanya berdasarkan hadis ahad, …