Riddah dalam literatur fiqih klasik dikategorikan sebagai jarimah hudud, dan diancam dengan hukuman mati. Persoalan yang mendasar adalah ancaman hukuman mati tersebut hanya berdasarkan hadis ahad, …
Fiqh in its wider meaning can be referred to any effort to interpretet religious texts [scripture], and implement it in real life context. In this way fiqh come into form of very various formulatio…
In comman, the concept of riddah which is religious conversion is not contradiction which the human right. In Islamic doctrines, human's freedom in religious choice is respected very much, becauses…
Gerakan riddah yang terjadi pada massa Abu Bakar selalu dilihat dari kaca mata teologis. Padahal tidak semua orang yang ikut terlibat dalam gerakan yang oleh sejarah dikatakan gerakan riddah terseb…
Studi on the wars of apostasy shows that the meaning of riddah at Abu Bakr's reign has more extensive connotation. It was not only defined as the rejection of the former religion [Islam]. But also …