The government has tried to improve marriage services, among others through Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) No. 48/2014 and Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs (Peraturan M…
The authority in making the Regional Regulation (Perda) is a tangible manifestation of the application of the widely autonomy owned by a certain region. As a country that adheres to the principle o…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengkaji kebijakan madrasah diniyah menurut Perda Kota Serang 1/2010 dan Perwal Kota Serang 17/2013; 2) mengkaji syarat melanjutkan ke SMP/MTs dalam merealisas…
This research aimed to know the problems of establishment of worship houses in Pati Central Java. This research used a qualitative approach with the collecting data interview, observation, and doc…
This article discusses institutional structure of deppok municipality as a consequance of goverment regulation number 22/1999's implementation. Concerning current social economics condition of depo…
The regulation of agrarisch sources is related to human rights especially for living propely. The regulation is determined by place and time as Roscoe Pound theory. Indonesia should have the specia…
This study examines the formalisation of Islamic attire among minangkabau people - particularly among school student in padang. West sumatra - in the spirit of focues on the conceptuaqlisation and …