Pergulatan pemikiran kontemporer mengenai hadits, baik yang dilakukan oleh para pemikir muslim (insider) maupun para orientalis (outsider) agaknya juga mengalami dinamika perkembangan yang cukup si…
Sumber kedua dalam syari'at Islam adalah Sunnah atau hadis. Hal ini bukanlah suatu hal yang baru dan diperselisihkan lagi oleh seluruh umat Islam, akan tetapi yang menjadi persoalan adalah apakah k…
The political conflict which followed the death of the prophet Muhammad frequently generated the involving of religion into it. The search of justification from normative grounds of the Qur'an and …
This article explains on orientalist with interested in studying hadith. His name Ignaz Goldziher, he was Hungarian orientalist come from Yahwehfamily in 1850 M. In this studies he was skeptic and …
The issue of the authority and the authenticity of the Sunnah is considered very significant and very important, because it is closely related to the theological view of the majority of Muslims who…