This paper discusses the practice of sexual violence perpetrated by religious leaders such as ustadz, gus, or kyai against santriwati (female students) in Islamic boarding schools. The occurrence o…
Pesantren merupakan sistem pendidikan agama Islam berbasis masyarakat yang tertua di Indonesia. Metodologi pengajaran di pesantran bahkan sudah dikenal selama kurang lebih 400 tahun. Diantara ajara…
The presence of ideological Islamist groups in the public space of Sukoharjo ideologically threatens the existence of NU, mainstreams’ Islamic group. Kyai Abdullah Faishol is one of a religious l…
This study was conducted based on the problem of kyai leadership pattern in Islamic boarding school in Jambi which is considered as paternalistic and centralistic. The study was aimed at exploring…
Skripsi ini adalah hasil dari penelitian dengan judul “Tinjauan Fiqh Siyasah terhadap peran KH Abdul Ghofur dalam pemenangan partai Gerindra pada pemilu tahun 2014 di wilayah kecamatan Paciran La…