The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race, social class and ethnicity, as cardinal principles and intrinsic values in Islamic sharî‘a. I…
Al Qur'an is interpreted in different ways and approaches. Progressive Muslims, for instance, pay attention to three themes, namely social justice, gender equality, and pruralism. They propose thei…
Throughout the history of indonesia, the concepts of gender and power-relations between men and women have been linked to a shifting and fluctuating idea of what constituates good women, good men, …
Gender issue becomes an interesting concern in education for there has been cultural bias and gender inequalities that unconsiously spread out through teaching and learning activities. Some learnin…
Paulo Freire tokoh yang sangat iconic bagi gerakan pendidikan pembebasan. Suatu pendekatan yang menekankan kepada proses pendidikan yang menempatkan manusia sebagai human being sejati yang memiliki…