Corruption is included as a crime which expands into a transnational crime, destroying the moral values of the nation, hampering and harming the development of the nation, a creation of a closed pa…
This article discusses about a criminal sanction of the standard clauses in a motor vehicle parking ticket for parking service manager according to article 18 paragraph (1) jo. article 62 paragraph…
Penalty for a drinker can not be separated from the development and changes in society. As one of the many provisions of a criminal penalty, drinker should remain be punished. However, in practice,…
Hubungan antara kaum wanita dan Hukum Islam senantiasa menjadi kajian yang menarik. Hukum Islam telah mengangkat harkat kaum wanita yang martabatnya telah diinjak-injak kaum pria pada jaman Jahiliy…
Based on historisch normative study, it is described that dualism criminal law was repeated more on 1946-1958. The principle of legality must be hold on criminal law enforcement. Many of jurisprude…
Freedom of the press in the perspective of the criminal justice is the use of the provisions of the Criminal Code; it is not limitation or restraint on freedom of the press, because the provision w…
Freedom of the press in the perspective of the criminal justice is the use of the provisions of the Criminal Code; it is not limitation or restraint on freedom of the press, because the provision w…