In the general comprehension, the meaning of agama [religion] is different from the meaning of moral.The doctrines of agama originates from God, while the meaning of moral originates from consensus…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan model Problem Based Instructional [PBI] dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, aktivitas dan respon siswa dalam pembelajaran. Model diterapkan pada 2 kelas XI…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan model Problem Based Instructional [PBI] dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, aktivitas dan respon siswa dalam pembelajaran. Model diterapkan pada 2 kelas XI…
The objective of the present study is to find out the effect of problem-based performance assessment and instructional models on the student's metacognition in mathematics at senior high schools. T…
Everyone when asked whether your self wish the success? Its answer surely, i wish the success. Question, why every person who do not answer surely, I wish the success. Question, why every person wh…