The environmental crisis in Indonesia need to get the attention of Muslims. As the largest population in Indonesia and even in the world, Muslims are required to actively make a major contribution …
This article aims to elaborate the ideas of neo-Sufism of KHHaderanie HN, a prominent Sufi scholar in Central Kalimantan. He represents a portrait of Sufism in the contemporary era in Central Kalim…
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pelaporan dan penerapan akuntansi zakat dan efektifitasnya dalam pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan no 109 di Yayasan AlFalah Social Find Surabaya. Studi in…
NIM:E03209034. Bibliografi hlm. 75-79.
NIM:E01207011Bibliografi hlm. 69-70
NIM:E01208041Bibliografi hlm. 76-78
NIM:E01207014Bibliografi hlm.96-97
NIM:E31207001Bibliografi hlm. 61-63
NIM:E31207001. Bibliografi hlm. 61-63.