The presidential authority as the highest executive institution of a state below constitution has created a dilemmatic issue about leadership in fiqh. Some ulamas mention several terms fo the head …
Pemikiran politik Islam sebagaimana yang telah dirumuskan oleh para ulama' klasik tidak lepas dari dua dimensi yang saling terkait; yaitu aspek teori dan praktek. Namun hal tersebut sering luput da…
Perdebatan tentang hubungan antar agama dengan negara seakan tak kunjung habis-habisnya. Satu tesa dikembangkan antitesa-antitesa yang beragam telah siap menjemputnya. Banyak pemikir beranggapan ba…
in Islamic term relating to discourse of citizenship is ummah. In Islamic terminology, the term is a unique one, and no other equal term of western languages that has the same range of meaning as i…
Various model of education system on the market in a state, education having the character of secular education and also with the character of secular education and also with the character of Islam…