This research investigates hizb al tahrir [HT] as one of Islamic fundamentalist groups. The investigation deals thor5oughly with three aspects of HT: 1. It ideological construct and its objectivica…
M. Natsir was one of the most prominent figures in religious discourse and movement in Indonesia. He was a da'wa reformer as well as a politician and a statesman. His most well known ideas were abo…
Tulisan ini hendak memberikan pesan bahwa fiqh, baik sebagai kumpulan materi hukum Islam ataupun sebagai ilmu [usul al fiqh], merupakan produk pemikiran yang menyejarah dan karenanya qabil li al ta…
Tulisan ini hendak memberikan pesan bahwa fiqh, baik sebagai kumpulan materi hukum Islam ataupun sebagai ilmu [usul al fiqh], merupakan produk pemikiran yang menyejarah dan karenanya qabil li al ta…
Throughout the history of indonesia, the concepts of gender and power-relations between men and women have been linked to a shifting and fluctuating idea of what constituates good women, good men, …
This paper traces the roots of the emergence of Islamic religious and political movements in Indonesia especialy during and after their depoliticization during the new order regime.There were two i…
Poligini merupakan isu hukum Islam yang masih menjadi kontroversi sampai saat ini. Pandangan ulama masa klasik, terutama para imam mazhab, memasukkan poligini di dalam al Mubahat (hal-hal yang dibo…