Dalam penelitian ini mempunyai masalah yang sekaligus menjadi tujuannya yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Seni Budaya IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya dalam mempersatukan maha…
Insight on the progress of the PTAI [Institute of Islamic Studies] in Indonesia so far involves many things; the disorder of epistemological basis of the PTAI, the direction of global policy in str…
Insight on the progress of the PTAI [Institute of Islamic Studies] in Indonesia so far involves many things; the disorder of epistemological basis of the PTAI, the direction of global policy in str…
Masalah kualitas output merupakan hal yang amat penting untuk segera diatasi, terlebih menghadapi era globalisasi. Tantangan dan peluang yang ada baik positif maupun negatif telah ada dihadapan kit…
Developing islamic higher education as a scientific institution and for transforming islamic values is a must.The exertion of developing islamic higher education is taken by giving a wider mandate …
A consequence of dualism in education policy, the implementationof tadris in IAIN often faces many problems.This paper will describe the history and development of tadris in IAIN/STAIN.The discussi…
The Arabic language teaching and learning process in IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya has been given huge concern since students who wish to study literature related to islamic studies need to master Arab…
Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua di Indonesia, memiliki kelebihan di bidang pembinaan moral Islami. Pesantren tertentu juga menonjol dalam penguasaan bahasa asing [Arab, inggris]…