Hak dan kewajiban suami-isteri dalam keluarga menurut fiqih Islam :
It is clear in al Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad thatwife and husband in a household have their own specific rights and obligations. Based on these sources, Muslim jurists [fuqaha] have formulated wife-husband rightas and obligations, which were written in the books of fiqh. With a descriptive approach, this article tries to depict the kinds of rights and obligations for wife and husband based on the books of different schools of fiqh. The existing formulas of wife-husband rights and obligations in the books of fiqh are less balanced, for wife has more obligations than rights. The obligations of husband include paying marriage dowry, providing basic necessities of life, and providing residence. Meanwhile the wife's obligations in family life include obedience befor husband; confession, respect and trust before husband leadership; love for husband with all her soul; stay at husband's residence or residence chosen by him; and doing all domestic or house hold activities.yo.
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