Wawasan keadilan dalam al Qur'an :
In the al Qur'an, the word al Adl with its derivation is mentioned as many as 28 times and it is spreading in 11 saras as one concept, that justice is to be syare'at of all messengers. Minimally, there are four meanings of justice in al Qur'an, justice in the meaning of same, balanced, in giving the attention toward the individual rights and Allah. Islamic teaching is more than as moral motivation or ethic reference, justice teaching should be applied as fulfillment on religious obligation because it is another form of naturelaw which is considered by god for all the universe in this world. Justice in the context of al Qur'an contains all dimension of life; such as belief, moral, law, syare'at etc. Therefore the social communities system will upright if the justice principle is kept. The Islamic formal can not guarantee the happiness its followers in this world, especially in the social meaning, if they do not obey onjustice principle. On the contrary, otherwise.......yo.
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