kerangka syari'ah, etika dan ilmiah : suatu pendekatan pengembangan ekonomi Islam /
This paper examines the nature of economic principle in Islam. Two types of economic principles are identified. The first type refers to the economic laws derived from revelation based sources namely the Qur'an, sunnah, ijtihad and ijma'. The second type refers to economic laws derived from reasoning and experience. The former is the economic system and latter is economic theory. Both forms of economic laws are in harmony and have no basic for compartementalization as there is no conflict between revelation and science in Islam. In theory building, it is shown that Qur'anic based assumtions act the linking mechanism in harmonizing revelation and science. As revelation is superior to reason and experince, modification of economic models for empirical verivication must not involve change in Qur'anic based assumption. Only the observed or tabi' based assumption are subject to medifications.het.
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