For centuries humanists appreciate human ratio, rationality and scientific methode. Human quality course only be achieved by ratio, medical technology and democratic development, so that they could…
Tulisan ini memaparkan beberapa pendekatan al Shatibi dalam memahami al Qur'an dan hadis. Al Qur'an dan hadis merupakan sumber hukum Islam dan merupakan sumber otentik yang tetap terpelihara kemurn…
Hadith Nabi dibukukan secara resmi sekitar 90 tahun setelah Nabi wafat. Hal ini membuka peluang pemalsuan hadith, sehingga kritik dari para orientalis bermunculan disebabkan sisi pandang yang berbe…
Bagi kaum mulimin, penerapan syari'at Islam adalah niscaya, bahkan bukan hanya di level privat, tapi juga di rumah publik terformalisasi sebagai konstitusi negara. Keniscayaan tersebut didasarkan p…
This article analysis about metodology of critique hadith principally about sanad and matan. At close friend period critique of sanad focussed for transmitter in detect validity of main sources tra…
Religion and science are two different entities, but they are often faced or even contrasted. Therefore, to avoid clash or collide they should have been analyze from some aspects such as antologica…
As a canonic law, syari'ah is legislated for the welfwre and the older of human life on earth. No human being can claim his or her understanding of syari'ah as absolute. While syari'ah is absolute,…
This research discusses abu hurairah as the narrater of hadits who was questioned more. The problem that always raise are; why abu hurairah who lived with prophed muhammad within relative short tim…