NIM:D51208023. Bibliografi hlm. 97.
NIM:D01208089. Bibliografi hlm. 138-141.
NIM:D51208011. Bibliografi hlm. 106-107.
Many texts of hadits considered to be genuine statement of the Prophet Muhammad as found in the Shahih al Bukhari and Shahih Muslim indicate misogyny [hatred of women]. When such hadits are read li…
Muhktalif al hadits is a set of theories for resolving seemly a number of contradicting ahadits. This theory has a benefit to understand those contradicting ahadits [hadits mukhtalif], as well as a…
G.H.A. Juynboll's Common Link theory has been widely used in studying the origin and the earlier history of hadish transmission during the last twenty years. The theory was built based on a basic a…
The theory of evolution truly leads to some controversy, especially among those who have high concern with religion. The statements that human being and apes are of the same ancestor, or human bein…
Inti pengarusutamaan gender adalah menekankan kesetaraan dan keadilan gender dalam kehidupan berkeluarga, bermasayarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara. Dalam kenyataannya, di lingkungan Kementrian Agam…
It is still a controversial problem, about different view in women prophet concerning with Islamic thought. The majority of Islamic scholars rejected about women prophet, and the other accepted bas…
Dalam wacana studi keislaman, hak-hak asasi manusia bersumber dari dua hal: 1. Kepercayaan bahwa Allah adalah pemberi hukum dan 2. Segala hak-hak asasi manusia. Karena itu bersumber dari Tuhan, mak…