al Qur'an as the speech and message of God has been admitted as the normative side of Islam which is eternal and sacred, while the ijtihad is a historical product closely tied to the dimension of b…
This article attempts at elaborating the contemporary trends of the development of Islamic thought in Indonesia. The author assumes that the development of intellectualism and mode of thought in Is…
Artikel ini menguraikan fonologi bahasa arab berdasarkan analisis fitur distingtif. Dalam madzhab fonologi generatif, analisis tersebut bersifat morfofonemis, yaitu memandang struktur morfem dan ru…
It is undeniable that Islamic mysticism [tasawuf] has important contribution to Islamic civilization development. But, its complicated and 'wilderness' teaching makes it always becomes the object o…
Di Perguuran Agama Islam, Multikulturalisme menjadi sebuah gagasan dinamis.Meski belum banyak Menyentuh Materi silabi pembelajaran, tetapi gagasan itu kian berkembang.Multikulturalisme merupakan ta…
The development of Islamic Science recently, appear from all discipline aspect of science. This indication begin from movement of the Islamization of knowledge pionereed by Syed Muhammad Naquib al …