This article deals with the educational ideas of Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama as representing the portrait of moderate Islamic education in Indonesia. The problems addressed includes whether bot…
Di tengah situasi pendidikan Oerde Baru yang serba sentralistik dan birokratik, konflik antara pemerintah dengan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan swasta sangat mungkin terjadi. Pada satu sisi, pemerintah…
This study aims at analyzing factors affecting people' choice for shopping in Nicco fashion in Jember. The data analysis uses factors analysis with SPSS release 11.0. The result the factors analysi…
Penyediaan informasi ilmiah membutuhkan kegiatan untuk mengumpulkan koleksi dengan ditunjang fasilitas dan sarana distribusi untuk keperluan layanan yang cepat dan akurat. Proses cepat dan praktis …
The consument's satisfaction and the custemer's loyalthy constitutes two related consepts that corelate each other. This can be considered as theory in marketing science.het.
The study found that variable XI [assessment method] was the most dominant factor influencing the career development of police in distric police of jember, do it was suggested that 1. The commandin…
The research problems are the Jember society's perception and hope toward the role and the contribution of pondok pesantren in human resources development, the degree of positional allocation of pp…
Yoga sebagai disiplin spiritual merupakan salah satu ciri pemikiran filsafat India, khususnya hinduisme. melalui pendekatan filosofis, dalam tulisan berikut dikaji tentang pengertian yoga menurut a…
Bibliografi hlm. 91-95.