NIM:D11304063. Bibliografi HLM. 110-111.
This reseach is aimed at finding at wether there is an effect at the use games in teaching on student's achivement and wich kind of games has greater affect on the student's achivement. This reseac…
There's prohibition in Islam for wife to become a career women. On the contrary, Islam encoureges all muslim including women to work and to be career women as long as their works are in accordance…
Combined the self determination theory [SDT] and future time perspective [FTP] give deep and complete insight about motivational dynamics. Starting with classic view of motivation: self efficacy th…
Merital rape is the practice wisely happened in various parts of country. The main couse of the case is the perception, which regars the position of men, is higher than women.This is contrary to th…
Suami, sebagai manusia pada umumnya, tetap memiliki kewajiban-kewajiban yang harus ditunaikan kepada lawan jenisnya [istri]. Dengan begitu, harus diakui bahwa suami berkewajiban memberi nafkah, seb…
A Wahid hasyim adalah seorang ulama yang dikenal cerdas dan kreatif, Walaupun tidak pernah mengenyam pendidikan formal, banyak ide-ide dan usah yang dilontarkan dalam rangka pembaharuan di bidang p…
Pemerintah telah mencanangkan program rekondisi perekonomian Nasional melalui program pembangkitan ekonomi rakyat yang berorientasi pada pemberdayaan segenap potensi bangsa. Agar program tersebut d…
Teori ini mengkaji teori naskh atau teori pembatalan hukum serta implikasinya terhadap penafsiran al Qur'an dengan mengacu pada konsepsi yang telah ditawarkan oleh ulama' klasik, pertengahan maupun…
This article explains on orientalist with interested in studying hadith. His name Ignaz Goldziher, he was Hungarian orientalist come from Yahwehfamily in 1850 M. In this studies he was skeptic and …