NIM:B04301327. Bibliografi hlm.85-86.
NIM: B07301092. Bibliografi hlm. 64-65.
NIM: B07300244. Bibliografi hlm. 56-57.
NIM: B02300050. Bibliografi hlm. 84.
NIM: D03396081.
Metode libQUAL+TM adalah bentuk survei dalam konteks penelitian di perpustakaan untuk mengevaluasi layanan perpustakaan, atau dengan kata lain bahwa metode LibQUAL+TM ini mengukur kualitas layanan …
In this global era, dakwah through television has an important role in human development, especially akhlaq, moral, and character development. At present, television should deliver da'wah programs …
Propagation through the medium of television in this era globalization has an important role in development, particularly in the development of character, morals and character. Television media sho…